Information about Food Vending
The adjudication and registration period for Food Vending will begin March 1st, 2025. If you have not received an email invitation and link to our event registration page on that date, or you are making a new inquiry to provide food service on July 01, 2025, please contact us starting in March 2025 via our contact page.
• There are assigned locations along the length of the picnic for food vendors. You will receive a detailed map of assigned locations. If you locate yourself in the wrong spot, you will have to move regardless of how much you’ve already set-up.
• The Gorge Road W. closure between Tillicum and Admirals begins at 7:30am; set up with vehicles is from 7:30am to 9am, after which the road must be clear of vehicles due to the parade. You may not park for the day in any parking lots or anywhere else along Gorge Road W. Only your booths/food trucks may be along Gorge Road, not your extra vehicles.
• You may NOT set-up before 7:30am out of respect to the neighbours.
• The event runs from 8:30am until 4:00pm. You are welcome to begin selling food/drink as early as you wish. You may not bring vehicles back onto Gorge Road West before 4:00pm. ALL SIDE STREETS WILL BE BLOCKADED during the day with no exit/entry available for vehicles.
• To determine how you will be able to access Gorge Road, please see our online interactive map for location pins and timing details about each side street blockage. Various entrances will be blockaded at varying times.
• If your particular food operations require a health permit, remember that per VIHA guidelines “Vendors should always have a copy of the letter of confirmation or Permit/License to Operate during any sales event...”
• Please be aware of any cords or wires that you run. You may not run them across a road, sidewalk, or pathway. If any of these cross areas where people will be walking, YOU MUST bring WorkSafe BC approved materials to secure them and prevent tripping and injuries.
• We are unable to help you with your power requirements; please plan for your own power should you need it.
• Please take all your waste and recycling away with you. Do not put anything in the public waste bins, our volunteers and staff are the ones who have to empty these and deal with any messes. To reduce our waste and impact as much as possible, we ask that you use only paper, bamboo, and plastic products; Styrofoam is not permitted at this event. There will be bins for your customers to use throughout the event.
Information about Market Vending
The adjudication and registration period for the 2025 Canada Day Market vendors will begin March 1st, 2025. To set up stalls at our market, you have to register beforehand. There are 65 Vendors permitted due to space restrictions. If you have not received an email invitation and link to our event registration page on that date or you are making a new inquiry to be a Canada Day Market Vendor on July 01, 2025, please contact us starting March 01st, 2025 via our contact page.
• The Gorge Road W. closure between Tillicum and Admirals begins at 7:30am; set up with vehicles is from 7am to 9am, after which the road must be clear of vehicles due to the parade. You may not park for the day in any parking lots or anywhere else along Gorge Road W.
• You may NOT set-up before 7:00am out of respect to the neighbours.
• The Canada Day Market hours are from 9:00am until 4:00pm. You may not bring vehicles back onto Gorge Road West before 4:00pm. ALL SIDE STREETS WILL BE BLOCKADED during the day with no exit/entry available for vehicles. Please see our online interactive map for location pins and details about each side street blockage.
• We do not reserve specific spots for Canada Day Market Vendors. You should bring shelter (a pop-up tent) and a table, they are not provided. We recommend sandbags for your tent footings, as it has been windy in some years.
• Please be aware of any cords or wires that you run. You may not run them across a road, sidewalk, or pathway or where people will be walking.
• Please remove all materials that you bring in. Do not put anything in the public waste bins, our volunteers and staff are the ones who have to empty these and deal with any messes. Take all your waste and recycling away with you.
• ZONE 5 is for Canada Day Market Vendors: The Market is located along the Gorge Walkway on any grassy areas from the foot of Colquitz Ave. and west along the Walkway up until the last large tree just past the foot of Rockwell Ave. You may NOT set up on Gorge Road itself, on the paved path, nor in any areas designated for Food Vendors or Entertainment.
• ZONE 3 – small overflow sections on the grass at the bottom of Austin Ave. and of Dysart Ave. Set-up before 8:30am only.
• ZONE 1, 2, 4, & 6 – UNDER NO CIRCUMSTANCES will a Canada Day Market Vendor be permitted anywhere in these zones.
• If you are not in the permitted areas above or you are in an area we have programmed for Food Vendors, Entertainment, or anything else, you will have to pack-down and move.
Information about Gorge on Art Participation
The Gorge on Art zone is a showcase of local artists who produce their own artistic works. To set up an Artist Stall in the Gorge on Art zone, you have to apply and be approved beforehand.
The adjudication and registration period for Gorge on Art in 2025 will begin in April 2025. Late applications will be considered if space permits. Please visit Saanich's website and complete the application form (under the 'Call for Artists' section). Saanich staff will correspond with you with regards to your application and provide instructions on registration and fee payment if you are approved.
• The Gorge Road W. closure between Tillicum and Admirals begins at 7:30am; set up with vehicles is from 7:30am to 9am, after which the road must be clear of vehicles due to the parade. You may not park for the day in any parking lots or anywhere else along Gorge Road W.
• You may NOT set-up before 7:30am out of respect to the neighbours.
• To set-up, you should drive down Colquitz Ave to enter Gorge Road W. You must then check in between 7:30am and 8:30am at the Saanich Gorge on Art Control Tent to be assigned your spot. See the Google Map at
• The Gorge on Art hours are from 9:00am until 4:00pm. You may not bring vehicles back onto Gorge Road West before 4:00pm. ALL SIDE STREETS WILL BE BLOCKADED during the day with no exit/entry available for vehicles. Please see our online interactive map for location pins and details about each side street blockage.
• You will be assigned a specific spot by Sarah, who will communicate that to you. You should bring shelter (a pop-up tent) and a table, they are not provided. We recommend sandbags for your tent footings, as it has been windy in some years.
• Please be aware of any cords or wires that you run. You may not run them across a road, sidewalk, or pathway or where people will be walking.
• Please remove all materials that you bring in. Do not put anything in the public waste bins, our volunteers and staff are the ones who have to empty these and deal with any messes. Take all your waste and recycling away with you.
• ZONE 4 is for Gorge on Art Participants: It is located along the Gorge Walkway from the foot of Colquitz Ave. (where the steps go into the water) and east along the Walkway up until the parking lot between Adelaide & Austin Ave. You may NOT set up on Gorge Road itself, on the paved path, nor in any areas designated for Food & Market Vendors or Entertainment. Please see maps attached for your reference.
• If you are not in your assigned spot or you are in an area we have programmed for Food Vendors, Entertainment, or anything else, you will have to pack-down and move. If someone else has taken your assigned spot, you can force them to leave.
Information about Car Show Participation
This is not a judged event and there is no entrance fee — just plain old hanging around showing off your vehicle and enjoying the day. For information about participating in the car show, please fill out the form on our contact page.
- Please enter the car show zone by driving down Gorge View Drive ONLY. An attendant will greet you at the bottom of Gorge View Drive. Entrance is permitted from 7:30 a.m. to 9 a.m. The road is NOT closed before 7:30am and residents are sleeping, so please DO NOT SHOW UP BEFORE 7:30 a.m. As there are large crowds, a parade just after 9 a.m., and the road is closed, please understand that we must absolutely cut off any access and we regret that late arrivals cannot be admitted.
- Cars must be parked on the south side (water side) of Gorge Road from Tillicum Road to Heath Drive. Please do not park in the bus bays, these are reserved Food Vendor zones. If you park on the north side/west-bound lane, a bus bay, or past Heath Drive we regret that you will be towed if we cannot find you to ask you to move.
- Vehicles MAY NOT DRIVE on Gorge Road between 9:00 a.m. and 4:00 p.m. The main intersections and ALL SIDE STREETS WILL BE BLOCKADED with unattended police and other vehicles so as to prevent entry/exit. As there are large crowds and the road is closed, please understand that IT IS DANGEROUS to drive a vehicle (to enter, move, or exit) during these times and cannot be permitted.
Information about Performing
If you would like to perform on the Main Stage, Roving Entertainment, or Gorge on Art Stage in 2025, please fill out the form in March 2025 via our contact page.
We also have another stage at Busker's Corner intended for musicians interested in a casual performance, to play here for 2025, please contact Rob Wickson.
Event Map
We've plotted event locations, food vendors, and facilities in a Google map so you can use your smarphone or tablet as a guide.Take me there!
Download the event programme!
The programme includes a map (event locations, food vendors, facilities, etc.) and complete event schedule. You can also use our online interactive map on your smartphone or tablet.Download 2023 Programme!
Download the event poster!
Share the Gorge Canada Day event with customers, friends, and colleagues.Download 2023 Poster!